DICE is a camera equipped with an optical system and CCD sensor capable of observing the sun's radius up to 14Rsun for the observation of a total solar eclipse. It uses four band filters and polarization filters to obtain data and analyze it to measure the electron temperature and velocity of the solar corona. During a short period of time when the moon completely covers the sun during a total solar eclipse, it is necessary to capture as many data as possible to obtain a high signal-to-noise ratio, so two DICEs with the same performance were produced. DICEONE was produced first, and DICETWO was produced later. DICETWO was additionally produced by reflecting the modifications that occurred while assembling, aligning, and testing DICEONE. DICE consists of an optical system, a filter wheel system, a camera system, and a control computer, and the control computer is connected to a network switch and can communicate with a remote computer in the wireless.

The DICE control software was developed based on the core Flight System (cFS), the NASA open-source flight software framework. The DICE control software was considered for reuse in BITSE and CODEX missions. KASI developed applications of filter wheel control, camera control, observation control, and data acquisition and processing for the DICE mission. The DICE control software was completed by integrating with three reuse applications for data communication and automation.